Absorbent Booms

Rolls and Pads for Oils

The symbol for this product type is Oils - Red Circle.

Booms are constructed with a unique dowel and loop system for linking booms together to span large areas, ie: open waters. These booms have nylon rope loop on each end to permit easy placement, securing, and retrieval from drainage ditches, culverts, and parking lots.

  • Unique Construction
  • Increased Contaminant Adsorption
  • Long Lasting
  • High Quality Accessories
  • Improved Handling and Deployment

Read more about Integrity's booms for oils.

Rolls and Pads for all Liquids

The symbol for this product type is All Liquids - Yellow Triangle.

Land booms are excellent for cleaning up large spills of oil, water, and coolants.

  • Yellow (Haz-Mat) Booms
  • General Purpose Land Booms

Read more about Integrity's land booms.

Rolls and Pads for all Liquids

Containment Booms are available in a variety of styles, sizes and colours for use in spill applications to contain oil & debris on land or water. Types include:- River Boom, Harbour Boom, Beach Boom, Lite Boom, Air Boom, etc., and can be deployed as permanent installations in Harbours, Marinas, etc. and/or in emergency spill situations in rough or quiet waters.

Need help in selecting a containment boom? Contact us, we will be glad to help..